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about us - who we are

Michael T. McCubbin


Founder of The Tasco Group Michael brings 40 years of experience to the company. With several thousand projects covering recent decades of service, there is a reservoir of experience to draw from in finding the best solution in your quest for excellence.


David G. Wilcox

Co-founder of The Tasco Group David offers 48 years of experience in consulting for Fire Life Safety, Multi-Media, Security, Integrated Technology , and Project Management. Specifications and system develop have been his primary purpose the past 15 years and with thousands of completed projects this experience is somewhat priceless.

Donald Johnson

Donald brings 25 plus years of security, video surveillance, Fire Alarm and Sound System installation to the team. His years of continual service in southern California give him hundreds of projects for reflection when reviewing your project.

Malan L. McCubbin

Malan lives in the world of television and video with over 30 years of experience. Malan brings a production and application expertise to the table when designing or appraising video production, video recording, HDTV, 5.1 surround and other Broadcast venues.

With hands on experience in building and deploying mobil audio/video production packages and supervising numerous productions as Lead Engineer, Malan can add insight to the design.

Timothy Brindley

Tim is a seasoned electrician and electrical estimator. with additional education in EMS (Energy Management Systems), EMF (Electro Magnetic Field) and HVAC (Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning) applications he offers 36 years of experience to the evaluation of the project. Tim's insights have all important in evaluating an overall look at installation practices, time allocations and budgets.


Copyright © 2012 The Tasco Group
Last modified: April 10, 2012


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